
RailsConf '07 Roundup

<a style=”float:left;margin:0 10px 5px 0”href=”http://flickr.com/photos/x180/503535890/” title=”David Heinemeier Hansson”></a>

*David Heinemeier Hansson*, by [James Duncan Davidson](http://flickr.com/photos/x180/). Creative Commons BY-NC-ND

I spent the past several days in Portland, OR, for RailsConf, the yearly gathering of the vibrant Ruby on Rails community. O’Reilly Media and Ruby Central put on an incredible conference. My only disappointment was that I couldn’t attend all of the presentations. Luckily, most of the presentation slides are online (some with accompanying code!!):

But by far, the most valuable part of the whole event was the time I spent in the hallways and around Portland with other Rails developers. In the two years I’ve been working with Rails, I’ve networked and collaborated with dozens if not hundreds of Rails developers online. It was great to finally be able to associate faces and voices with their respective names, blogs, and chat handles.

I also wrangled Erik Kastner and Charles Brian Quinn into the Capazon project while in Portland - look for some updates on that front in the near future.

A special thanks to the following folks for making my RailsConf an especially great time: