
What is the Secret of SoylentFoo?

There are a million excuses for not blogging, but none of them are valid. I’m going to skip the excuses, and get right to the announcement.

Welcome to SoylentFoo

SoylentFoo has been in the making for quite some time. It was February, I believe, when a friend and I traded some server work on his blog and some design work. 10 months and about 50 "where is soylentfoo?!?" IMs later, I finally found some time to make it all happen.

What is the Secret of SoylentFoo?

“Does that mean there are too many metasyntactic variables? Are they feeding metasyntactic variables to other metasyntactic variables?” - Katie, after watching me work on the blog for a while, and then digging at Wikipedia

The name needs no explanation, in my mind. If you’re looking for one, I can’t help much. Sorry. Make of it what you will.

As part of the package, there’s an entirely new jnewland.com - a temple of ego on steroids if you will - complete with rss and opml feeds, and subdomain mappings for all of the parts:

Now, I promised that I wouldn’t make any excuses for not blogging, but I feel an obligation to at least give evidence that I’ve been doing something in the meantime. We’re not going to call these excuses, OK?

Now that that’s settled, here’s what’s been going on in my life in the past year:

  • I’ve moved from Athens, GA, to Bozeman, MT, and back again to Atlanta, GA.
  • I’ve gotten engaged to the love of my life, and will be married on June 30th, 2007.
  • Katie and I bought a house - we’ll move in on Dec 15th - only 10 short days!
  • We adopted a puppy, named “Foxy” for her dark tail. We wish she’d grow out of her puppy phase, and fast :(.
  • I’ve overseen the migration or creation of just under 200 blogs.
  • Worked on no less than 15 Ruby on Rails apps

Looking back, it seems like a lot - but surely I could have slipped more than 10 posts in between those 6 bullet points. I’ll try harder this year. Promise.