
Xservs are up!

Today, Lexblog took a big leap in the right direction. Our current server setup has been causing us headaches in recent months, so we decided to go with an in-house hosting solution. Two shiny Apple Xservs were ordered, shipped, and upgraded. Today, they were booted up for the first time, and with the help of Apple Remote Desktop, I’ve been configuring, updating, and generally massaging our new workhorses.

These servers don’t know what’s about to hit them: I’ve prepared a tasty cocktail of Movable Type, LightTPD, and FastCGI to power our blogs, with a sprinkling of Ruby on Rails on the top to make management of our blogs easier.

Watch out for some new features and upgrades from Lexblog in the next few months, as well as drastic speed improvements. They don’t call it FastCGI for nothing ;)