
Google Analytics Update

Wow. From my freshly updated Google Analytics stats, we have my US visits breakdown by state:

Amazing! Georgia’s my #1 state, with Montana at #2 and New York and California tied for 3rd.

Funny Google should release this during sweeps, the portion of the year in which TV stations run feature news packages and show lame flicks like Category 6 in hopes that Nielsen’s minions will scribble about them in their journal.

Google Analytics makes a real mockery of what TV stations pay Nielsen so much for. These are the real numbers, not samples.

This now allows web publishers to provide detailed target market information to advertisers without paying expensive market research companies. Provided with this thorough information from internet media entities, advertising agencies will be much more confident spending money on internet ads.

The returns from Google Analytics won’t come instantly, but when they do, they’ll come as many more Adwords subscribers, and by establishing the internet as the premier advertising format.

There’s so much more to Analytics than this - the ‘Goal’ idea is quite interesting. You can assign dollar amounts to a page navigation sequence

  • say, from an item page, to checkout, to a shipping confirmation page - and then break down which segment of visitors is ordering the most wigits or confirming their conference attendance.

There’s even advanced regex filter support (for people who understand what the hell that means =] ). I can’t say enough. If you have any sort of website, from blog to e-commerce-mega-site, sign up for Google Analytics. It’s flipping amazing.