
Google Reader

Have a Gmail account yet? Subscribe to my blog in Google Reader, Google web-based feed reader, featuring all of the speed (and keyboard shortcuts!!!) of Gmail.

I’m actually quite impressed with the speed of Google Reader considering that I’m on dailup this weekend. My new favorite key is the ‘j’ key - press it on your Google Reader and watch how quickly new entries load in the whitespace. Google slick AJAX engine only requires that the next individual entry be loaded. No headers. No footers. No banner ads or blogrolls. This is brilliant - the exact same speed benefit that desktop feed readers get cooked into a web based feed reader that doesn’t even have to think about synchronization. Add in labels (yep, just like Gmail) and the search that we’ve come to expect from Google, and you have one excellent web app.

The only feature I’m missing so far - integration with del.icio.us. I’m sure they’ll add it soon. It’s still in beta, anyway ;-)