
America is a terrible movie, and I want my money back.

Chief Justice William Rehnquist died last night, at the age of 80.


“The death leaves President Bush with his second court opening within four months and sets up what’s expected to be an even more bruising Senate confirmation battle than that of John Roberts.”

From the Metafilter thread discussing this issue:

“This is a terrible movie and I want my money back. Even odds on a California earthquake within the week.” - posted by Armitage Shanks

It’s sad to see Rehnquist go (I hope you’re happy, Justice Sunday) in more ways than one: this is really, really bad news for the Supreme Court. President Bush receiving the priviledge of nominating another Supreme Court Justice in the middle of both domestic and foreign quagmires for which he is (directly or indirectly) responsible absolutely infuriates me.