

Yesterday I began the process of a week long move across town. I spent literally all day moving all of my collected junk (as well as some of my roomate's) into storage - I packed before breakfast, moved boxes at lunch, and moved everything else and cleaned until midnight last night. I can't move into my new apartment until Aug 3rd, so I'm staying at The Rick's place for a week. It's going to be an interesting week - I'll probably be on campus all morning, at work in the afternoon, back on to campus in the evening, and then go back to Rick's really late to crash. And really, I won't be able to move all of my stuff into my new place until the 6th, when my parents come up with a van. Between the 3rd and the 6th I'll probabaly be sleeping on the floor of my new place with nothing but my desk, laptop, and stereo in there. Just a place to work at least. Anyways, I'll keep you all updated on my life as a gypsy this week. It'll be an interesting one, that's for sure :)